My Weight-Loss Journey – Approaching Weight Loss In A Holistic Manner Weight Loss

My Weight-Loss Journey – Approaching Weight Loss In A Holistic Manner Weight Loss

As the well-known saying goes, nothing in life that is worth anything is easy.

Trying to fit into that perfect pair of jeans often feels like an impossible task for many of us. I am here to let you know that it is not impossible.

However, a journey towards health and fitness does take determination and the belief that your body deserves the best version of you possible.

It deserves to be treated with the utmost respect.

Throughout my journey, I was encouraged to approach weight loss in a holistic manner. I had reached a point where taking diet pills were no longer an option.

I had been doing it for almost two years and it clearly was not working for me or doing my body any justice.

I also made the conscious choice to stop counting calories. It became too frustrating and once again I felt that I was heading in the wrong direction.

My focus had shifted, and the weight loss process became more of an obsession rather than a lifestyle.

When a person counts calories, on the days they feel they had too much to eat or drink, they tend to put in excess time at the gym.

In my case, my body was overloaded and caused me to feel exhausted and run down.

 In that moment, I chose to approach my diet from a more holistic perspective.

I made the active decision to eat more consciously. I tried to understand how the food I was consuming would benefit me and my body.

I tried to understand and appreciate how training would benefit me and my body. In this way I became more familiar with the ways in which my body was able to move and found what made me feel more comfortable.

When I say I would eat consciously, I would ask myself these two questions:

  1. How is this going to aid or benefit my body?
  2. Have I earned eating this? In other words, are the calories worth it?

If the answer was “no” to any of these questions, I would try to find some alternative to eat or drink.

In addition, I started to train according to how my body felt and not according to what I had eaten the night before. I did not punish myself.

This is how I grew a love for fitness.

I grew a love for exercise and I grew a love for healthy eating. This love benefitted me in the most positive way. I started to self-talk and self-motivate.

I started to talk positively about my diet. My body was changing but I remained patient and consistent.

I gave myself grace – because we are all only human. I set goals that were clear and realistic so that I didn’t put too much pressure on myself.

My journey to health and fitness was a three-year process. It was not a quick fix.

My journey became a lifestyle and a life choice. Through this process I was able to enhance my metabolic condition.

I have been through it so I understand the courage and determination that it requires. I can help you reach your goals and help you to keep motivated.

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